Ben Weiland es el codirector de Cradle of Storms, que proyectamos el domingo a las 18.30. Un surf trip a las islas Aleutians, Alaska; más conocidas por ser el epicentro de las borrascas que llegan a Hawaii y California y por ser islas con spots perfectos. Un documental que no os podéis perder ¡si estáis sedientos de aventuras!
Entrevistamos a Ben, responsable de estas expediciones al ártico. Podéis descubrir lo que hace en,, instagram o facebook.
1. Where are you from originally? Why adventure in cold water?
I grew up in Germany, and moved to Southern California when I was a teenager. The first time I surfed in cold water was when I lived on the South Island of New Zealand for four months. I loved the adventure of searching for lineups away from parking lots and crowds, never knowing what you might find.
2. Is adventure dead in the tropics? Next frontier really sits in frigid water?
I think there are plenty of places for adventure in the tropics still, but the coldwater destinations are definitely more unusual and less explored.
3. Can you describe your most extraordinary find of a perfect wave in the Artic?
It was during a trip to the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. We had been surfing incredible waves on the island for a week, most of which had been surfed before. But during the second week we came upon a perfect right slab. The first time Alex Gray, Pete Devries, and Josh Mulcoy surfed it is documented in the Cradle of Storms film. It wasn’t in the Arctic Circle, but it was pretty far north and freezing cold. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we first saw it spit.
4. Regular hazards? (nature, wildlife)
Icy roads, remote locations for from any hospital or doctor, shallow reefs, wild cows, random blizzards and hail storms.
5. Can you send us some links of shorts, films you´ve partnered with?
Distant Shores – The Frozen North
6. How did you start drawing?
I started illustrating when I was a kid. I’ve always love the creativity of drawing. I’m currently working on an illustrated surfing book for kids called the Surfin’ Spoon.