Japan, Chile Guest Country, Films, Surf and Architecture, Clean Waves & more
We have always been a vibrant meeting point of diverse culture that has transcended its primary role of simply projecting films. We have various basic stories to tell this year, and a number of important names in the surfing world will be here with us in San Sebastián – names known for their contribution to the advancement of our sport and its occasionally conservative and monotonous culture.
We’re currently finalising several exciting proposals that we’ll tell you about later down the line. But we will give you the bare essentials:
FRIDAY 19.06
We will also be welcoming the #izanezberdin project by Kutxa Fundazioa, which will incorporate into our program various activities for the grommets between the ages of 12 and 17. On the 19th we´ll present some shortfilms made by the Nazaret School on some iconic surfers from our coast.
> We’ve organized, together with the San Sebastián Technical School of Architecture and teachers of de department of Architecture of the UPV/EHU, a meeting of analysis and reflection where surfing, architecture, urban planning and street culture will all join hands. Okendo Culture House. #LobosPorSiempre, the campaing to preserve Punta de Lobos (Chile) will be one of the topics.
> Clean Waves. Aquarium.
FRIDAY 26.06
> Surf=Civilisation and Barbarism. Exhibition Opening. Okendo Cuture House. Exhibition will be open until end of August. With the help of photography, films, objects, the exhibition takes us to key surf spots around the world to learn about frictions, but mostly to understand how they can be solved. Bruno Garrudo (Portugal) is one of the confirmed artists, a very fine photographer and narrator of a surf world that does not longer exists.
> 22.30. La Primera Ola, dir. Pedro Temboury. Teatro Principal. A thorough excavation of the archives to bring us the first ever documentary about the history of surfing in Spain.
> Festibaila. After party at the newly opened GU!
> 10.00-19.00. We invite you to a group surf session at playa de la Zurriola with many more things we´ll unveil in the next weeks!
> At night. El Hijo del Pescador, dir. Chris Malloy. Sagüés, in front of the Patagonia store. A brilliant new film directed by Chris Malloy, will be presented by its protagonist, Ramón Navarro, in an open-air projection.
> Festibaila at DABADABA!
SUNDAY 28.06
> Films. Teatro Principal. Programme to be unveilded soon...
Full programme will be unveiled in June, stay tuned!
Sponsors and Collaborators
None of this would be possible without our small family of sponsors and collaborators. PATAGONIA, our key partner these last years, will continue to present the festival, sharing our vision of becoming an influencing surf culture meeting point. They will be joined by our new main sponsor ZUMOSOL and their juices made 100% out of fresh fruit. VANS, a key surf brand since 1966, has returned for our thirteenth year and we’ll be proudly sporting our Vans Old Skools throughout the festival. In addition, LATAM Airlines Group, leaders in South America, will be the official airline of the festival, bringing Chile to Donostia as the guest country of honour (and they don’t charge for boards!).
We would also like to thank all the festival’s usual collaborators returning for another year: Guipúzkoa Local Council, Surfing Euskadi, Surf City Donostia and the San Sebastián Aquarium. Thanks too to the various media outlets we’re associated with who help us spread the word: El Diario Vasco, Surf Europe, 3setenta, The Inertia, Magic Seaweed, Mar Gruesa and Staf Magazine.
And of course the artists, friends and all those who come to enjoy the festival even when it’s raining and who always leave us the best wave of the set… Our deepest thanks to everyone for supporting our ideas and our event. We hope to make it yet another historic edition of the festival!
Photo ©Roke
Surfilmfestibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.
© Surfilmfestibal 2025
Donostia - San Sebastián
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