Condiciones Generales de Utilización de las páginas El presente aviso legal recoge las condiciones generales que rigen el acceso y el uso del WEB, en adelante "el WEB", del que es titular Surfilm Festibal, Asociación sin Animo de Lucro, NIF: G20906954 El uso de la WEB implica la expresa y plena aceptación de estas condiciones generales en la versión publicada en el momento en que el usuario acceda al mismo, sin perjuicio de las condiciones particulares que pudieran aplicarse a algunos de los servicios concretos del WEB. Propiedad intelectual e industrial sobre los contenidos de la página: Las siguientes condiciones son de aplicación para todas las páginas y documentos que forman la WEB, con excepción de aquellos que indican inequívocamente en su pie de página, que han sido publicados bajo licencia GFDL (GNU Free Documentation License): Todos los elementos que forman el WEB, así como la estructura, diseño y código fuente del mismo, son titularidad de Surfilm Festibal y están protegidos por la normativa de propiedad intelectual e industrial. No se podrán realizar actos de reproducción, modificación, distribución o comunicación pública del WEB o alguno de sus elementos sin el previo consentimiento por escrito de Surfilm Festibal. Los usuarios del WEB únicamente podrán realizar un uso privado y personal de los contenidos de éste. Queda prohibido el uso del WEB o de cualquiera de sus elementos con fines comerciales o ilícitos. Surfilm Festibal no asumirá ninguna responsabilidad derivada del uso por terceros del contenido del WEB y podrá ejercitar todas las acciones civiles o penales que le correspondan en caso de infracción de estos derechos por parte del usuario. Marca registrada Surfilm Festibal Surfilm Festibal es una marca registrada para organizar eventos, acciones. Todo intento de uso fraudulento, difamatorio o de mala fe de la marca será perseguido. Protección de datos de carácter personal Surfilm Festibal es la entidad responsable del ficheros de datos de carácter personal "Surfilm Festibal Clientes", suministrados por los usuarios de su WEB y clientes. De acuerdo con la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD), Surfilm Festibal se compromete al cumplimiento de su obligación de secreto con respecto a los datos de carácter personal y al deber de tratarlos con confidencialidad. A estos efectos, adoptará las medidas necesarias para evitar su alteración, pérdida, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado. La recogida y tratamiento automatizado de los datos personales tiene como finalidad la prestación de los servicios Surfilm Festibal, así como ofrecer información a los usuarios que lo soliciten sobre los servicios de la organización. El usuario podrá ejercitar en todo momento los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación u oposición, solicitándolo a Surfilm Festibal por cualquier medio especificado en la web para lo cual Surfilm Festibal puede solicitar información o documentos que prueben la identidad del usuario. La WEB de Surfilm Festibal utiliza "cookies" (pequeños archivos de información que el servidor envía al ordenador de quien accede a la página), utilizados para el correcto funcionamiento y las estadísticas de acceso al WEB. Las "cookies" utilizadas en el WEB tienen carácter temporal y en ningún caso se utilizarán para recoger información de carácter personal. Modificaciones Surfilm Festibal se reserva el derecho, en cualquier momento y sin previa notificación al usuario, de modificar ampliar o suspender temporalmente la presentación, configuración, especificaciones técnicas y servicios del WEB, de forma unilateral. Asimismo se reserva el derecho de modificar en cualquier momento las presentes condiciones de uso así como cualesquiera otras condiciones particulares. Exclusión de responsabilidad Surfilm Festibal no se responsabiliza de los eventuales errores tipográficos, formales o numéricos que pueda contener la WEB, ni de la exactitud de la información contenida en él. Hiperenlaces Los hiperenlaces contenidos en la WEB de Surfilm Festibal pueden dirigir a páginas web de terceros. Surfilm Festibal no asume ninguna responsabilidad por el contenido, informaciones o servicios que pudieran aparecer en dichos sitios, que tendrán exclusivamente carácter informativo y que en ningún caso implican relación alguna entre Surfilm Festibal y a las personas o entidades titulares de tales contenidos o titulares de los sitios donde se encuentren. Datos de información general Para dar cumplimiento con lo establecido en la Ley 34/2002, de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico, a continuación se indican los datos de información general de este sitio web: * Titular: Surfilm Festibal, asociación sin animo de lucro. * Domicilio Social: c/sarasate 3, 20302 Irun * Teléfono: 943285971 * CIF: G20906954 * Datos Registrales: Registro de asociaciones: AS/E 12388/06. LEGAL 1. Introduction The Website Owner, Surfilm Festibal, including subsidiaries and affiliates ("Website" or "Website Owner" or "we" or "us" or "our") provides the information contained on this website or any of the pages comprising the website ("website") to visitors ("visitors") (cumulatively referred to as "you" or "your" hereinafter) subject to the terms and conditions set out in these website terms and conditions, the privacy policy, and any other relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices which may be applicable to a specific section or module of this website. 2. Information on the Website Whilst every effort is made to update the information contained on this website, neither the Website Owner nor any third party or data or content provider make any representations or warranties, whether express, implied in law or residual, as to the sequence, accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, opinions, any share price information, research information, data and/or content contained on the website (including but not limited to any information which may be provided by any third party or data or content providers) ("information") and shall not be bound in any manner by any information contained on the website. the Website Owner reserves the right at any time to change or discontinue without notice, any aspect or feature of this website. No information shall be construed as advice and information is offered for information purposes only and is not intended for trading purposes. You and your company rely on the information contained on this website at your own risk. If you find an error or omission at this site, please let us know, 3. Trade Marks The Surfilm Festibal trade marks, names, logos and service marks (collectively "trade marks") displayed on this website are registered and unregistered trade marks of the Website Owner. Nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting any licence or right to use any trade mark without the prior written permission of the Website Owner. 4. External Links External links may be provided for your convenience, but they are beyond the control of Surfilm Festibal and no representation is made as to their content. Use or reliance on any external links and the content thereon provided is at your own risk. When visiting external links you must refer to that external websites terms and conditions of use. No hypertext links shall be created from any website controlled by you or otherwise to this website without the express prior written permission of the Website Owner. Please if you would like to link to this website or would like to request a link to your website. 5. Public Forums and User Submissions Surfilm Festibal is not responsible for any material submitted to the public areas by you (which include bulletin boards, hosted pages, chat rooms, or any other public area found on the website. Any material (whether submitted by you or any other user) is not endorsed, reviewed or approved by Surfilm Festibal. Surfilm Festibal. reserves the right to remove any material submitted or posted by you in the public areas, without notice to you, if it becomes aware and determines, in its sole and absolute discretion that you are or there is the likelihood that you may, including but not limited to - 5.1 defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of other users or any third parties; 5.2 publish, post, distribute or disseminate any defamatory, obscene, indecent or unlawful material or information; 5.3 post or upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files or any other similar software or programmes that may damage the operation of the Website Owner's and/or a third party's computer system and/or network; 5.4 violate any copyright, trade mark, other applicable Spanish or international laws or intellectual property rights of the Website Owner or any other third party; 5.5 submit contents containing marketing or promotional material which is intended to solicit business. 6. Specific Use You further agree not to use the website to send or post any message or material that is unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, indecent, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, sexually orientated, racially offensive, profane, pornographic or violates any applicable law and you hereby indemnify the Website Owner against any loss, liability, damage or expense of whatever nature which the Website Owner or any third party may suffer which is caused by or attributable to, whether directly or indirectly, your use of the website to send or post any such message or material. 7. Warranties Surfilm Festibal.makes no warranties, representations, statements or guarantees (whether express, implied in law or residual) regarding the website, the information contained on the website, your or your company's personal information or material and information transmitted over our system. 8. Disclaimer of Liability. Surfilm Festibal shall not be responsible for and disclaims all liability for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential), personal injury or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by you or any third party (including your company), as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to your access and use of the website, any information contained on the website, your or your company's personal information or material and information transmitted over our system. In particular, neither the Website Owner nor any third party or data or content provider shall be liable in any way to you or to any other person, firm or corporation whatsoever for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct or consequential), personal injury or expense of any nature whatsoever arising from any delays, inaccuracies, errors in, or omission of any share price information or the transmission thereof, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon or occasioned thereby or by reason of non-performance or interruption, or termination thereof. 9. Use of the Website. The Website Owner does not make any warranty or representation that information on the website is appropriate for use in any jurisdiction (other than Spanish). By accessing the website, you warrant and represent to the Website Owner that you are legally entitled to do so and to make use of information made available via the website. 10. General 10.1 Entire Agreement. These website terms and conditions constitute the sole record of the agreement between you and Surfilm Festibal in relation to your use of the website. Neither you nor Surfilm Festibal shall be bound by any express tacit or implied representation, warranty, promise or the like not recorded herein. Unless otherwise specifically stated these website terms and conditions supersede and replace all prior commitments, undertakings or representations, whether written or oral, between you and the Website Owner in respect of your use of the website. 10.2 Alteration Surfilm Festibal may at any time modify any relevant terms and conditions, policies or notices. You acknowledge that by visiting the website from time to time, you shall become bound to the current version of the relevant terms and conditions (the "current version") and, unless stated in the current version, all previous versions shall be superseded by the current version. You shall be responsible for reviewing the then current version each time you visit the website. 10.3 Conflict. Where any conflict or contradiction appears between the provisions of these website terms and conditions and any other relevant terms and conditions, policies or notices, the other relevant terms and conditions, policies or notices which relate specifically to a particular section or module of the website shall prevail in respect of your use of the relevant section or module of the website. 10.4 Waiver. No indulgence or extension of time which either you or Surfilm Festibal may grant to the other will constitute a waiver of or, whether by estoppel or otherwise, limit any of the existing or future rights of the grantor in terms hereof, save in the event or to the extent that the grantor has signed a written document expressly waiving or limiting such rights. 10.5 Cession. Surfilm Festibal shall be entitled to cede, assign and delegate all or any of its rights and obligations in terms of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices to any third party. 10.6 Severability. All provisions of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices are, notwithstanding the manner in which they have been grouped together or linked grammatically, severable from each other. Any provision of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices, which is or becomes unenforceable in any jurisdiction, whether due to voidness, invalidity, illegality, unlawfulness or for any reason whatever, shall, in such jurisdiction only and only to the extent that it is so unenforceable, be treated as pro non scripto and the remaining provisions of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices shall remain in full force and effect. 10.7 Applicable laws. Any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of SPAIn without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law. You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court of Spain in respect of any disputes arising in connection with the website, or any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices or any matter related to or in connection therewith. 10.8 Comments or Questions. If you have any questions, comments or concerns arising from the website, the privacy policy any other relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices or the way in which we are handling your personal information please contact |