SURFERS RIP EUROPE. Surfilmfestibal 12 image

Surfilmfestibal´s graphic vibe is key for us, it defines us, and addresses every year a topic we consider relevant. This year is all about our fantastic surf season, with all the amazing and hellish storms, the stars have to be the huge waves, perfect waves, radical rides by our european surfers.

Europe has been the global star of the show from november to february. But Euro surfers are kind of bastard sons of surf culture, as Eddie Rothman said in a NY Times interview in 2003: ''Belharra is mushy. I'd take my 9-year-old son out to tow into that French wave”. Now Gautier Garanx has been crowned in the XXL as the rider of the biggest wave of the year.

We´ve bootlegged the famous New York Times cover from the day man walked on moon; “One giant take off for man... one small leap for mankind”, perverting the sense as surfing at the end, is not so important for humankind. Photos from Mullaghmore by Christian McLeod and from Nazaré by Vitor Esterlinha.

Poster design Borja Garmendia from Pensando en Blanco.

And we still have to launch the video...!

Noticia publicada el May 18, 2014

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Surfilm festibal Donostia Kultura Donostiako Udala Donostia-San Sebastián 2016 Patagonia El Diario Vasco Aquarium Movimiento Sísmico Gipuzkoa Kirolak Surfing Euskadi Donostia Sustapena | Fomento San Sebastián SurfCityDonostia Stab 3sesenta magazine Surf Europe Vice Magazine Staf Magazine Mar Gruesa Gaztea EITB

Surfilmfestibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

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Donostia - San Sebastián

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