Daily Program Surfilmfestibal: CLEAN WAVES

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7 June


Buffalo Band Concert

7 June

White Waves - World Premiere

A documentary about surfers fighting against unseen pollution in European seas

Litter, wastewater, industrial products and chemicals – it is all ending up in the sea. This is often happening without anybody hearing anything about it. But there are some people that observe and feel the pollution day by day with their own body: surfers. As soon as there is some swell they grab their board and ride the waves, in winter and summer. Water is their life. And they want to protect it.

All around the world and in Europe, surfers started fighting against widely unknown cases of pollution in our seas. Their love of nature and the water gives them the strength to go out and search for the source of the pollution. If necessary they even go to court. The documentary WHITE WAVES will tell their stories.

Up to now we produced a trailer to apply for funds that will allow us to finish the documentary; we just started a crowd- funding campaign.
Join our crowdfunding: www.ulule.com/white-waves/
Homepage: www.whitewaves.eu

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Surfilm festibal Donostia Kultura Donostiako Udala Donostia-San Sebastián 2016 Patagonia Kutxa KELER 18 Gaztea EITB XSories Aquarium Surfing Euskadi Gipuzkoa Kirolak Movimiento Sísmico El Diario Vasco Stab Surfer's Path Surf Europe Vice Magazine Staf Magazine BEACHBROTHER Drift Magazine 3sesenta magazine

Surfilmfestibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

© Surfilmfestibal 2025
Donostia - San Sebastián

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