Nowadays Jim Denevan is certainly one of the most significant artists in the Land art” movement. His gigantic drawings, figures, have reached a cult status within the art world, resulting in projects with a huge impact and wide media coverage around the world.
Mundaka was the first spot he picked in Europe to perform one of his works and we, at Surfilmfestibal were at the origin of this visit. Uradibai river-mouth is a protected space, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, the best wave in Europe breaks on its river-mouth, thus it’s a mandatory pilgrimage destiny for thousands of surfers from all over the world. A unique place that needs to be protected; a perfect sand bank to host Denevan’s work.
The prestigious photographer and filmmaker Patrick Trefz, had a key role in this project, which includes this photo exhibition, as well as a short-film, scheduled on 09.06 at the Teatro Principal,as world premiere.