Just imagine tomorrow you’re forced to leave your home and move 60 km away, running away from the consequences of a nuclear accident. Of course, you’d never be able to surf again La Salvaje, Bakio, Mundaka, Orrua, nor La Zurriola. Well, this is what thousand of Japanese surfers are experiencing at this moment around Fukushima prefecture. The tragedy in Japan has many consequences. Thousands of lives were lost, fear has taken over coastal villages, and now, the dreadful consequences of the accident of the Fukushima nuclear plant will mark our contemporary history.
Through a selection of photography by different Japanese artists, we come close to the Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, the two most affected areas by the catastrophe. Through this exhibition, we want to showcase the beauty, richness and peculiarities of these less well-known regions of Japan. We’ll have the chance to find out about the life of their fishermen, inhabitants and unknown surfers.
These photos take us back to better times for them. The power of the radiation has left a few world class waves completely out of hand forever. Their locals will never ever be able to surf what for them was their magic place on Earth. Luckily, Lemoniz nuclear plant was turned on, but just for a second, and only to feel the anger that many surfers in Fukushima feel at this moment, imagine a radioactive leak occurred and we were forced to escape our waves.