Daily Program Surfilm Festibal: FILMS

3 June4 June9 June10 June11 June12 June13 June

12 June
Screenings at the Teatro Principal

Surf Europe

Presents: Local warming!
Sweeeeet!!! Screams, whistles, party blowers!!! The most hooligan session in the Festival is here!! And yes, we are all chucked in a super crowded Antzoki Zaharra…Our waves (or rather the lack of them this winter/spring), our surfers and our guests: our Irish friends and their amazing waves.

Mundaka 21/10/2009

Isio. 2010. Basque Country. 8 min.

A week after the waiting period for one more flat Mundaka Pro was over, that epic day, the bar at the river-mouth was roaring, with large barrels opening and a set that swept everyone away. 40+ broken boards and lots of surfers with their tail between their legs.

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Volkswagen Amstel Surfilm festibal Donostia Kultura Donostiako Udala Gipuzkoa Kirolak Movimiento Sísmico Aquarium Gaztea Surfer's Path Patagonia El Diario Vasco Kutxa Gaztekutxa Stab Surfers Journal Staf Magazine 3sesenta magazine Vice Magazine Surf Europe Redux Magazine
Surfilm Festibal

Amstel Surfilm Festibal 8. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

© AMSTEL Surfilm Festibal 2024
June 4 - 13, 2010
Donostia - San Sebastián

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