Daily Program Surfilm Festibal: FILMS

3 June4 June9 June10 June11 June12 June13 June

10 June
Screenings at the Aquarium and at the Teatro Principal

OPENING NIGHT Official Take off! Taylor Steele Night: The driving force for Momentum generation footage!
Shane Dorian, Benji Weatherly, Rob Machado, Slater, Ross Williams are some of the surfers who inspired thousands of grommets in the whole world during the 90’s. People got into fights over who would be on the best sections of the Momentum series; if Taylor gave you the last section of the film that meant you were performing impossible cutting edge manoeuvres. Moreover, it was the perfect support for the popularity of bands like Pennywise, Offspring, etc…

God Went Surfing with the Devil

Alexander Klein. 2010. USA. 84 min.

At the end of 2007 a group of young men was surfing in Gaza, sharing some old ruined boards, when Israel decided to seal the borders.

The news hit the North of the country where a group of Israel and USA surfers start an initiative named Surfers 4 Peace. During the Spring of 2008, they try to introduce 23 surfboards in Gaza. God Went Surfing With The Devil tells the obstacles and dangers that Israeli and Palestinian surfers encounter while trying to practice their favourite sport.

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Surfilm Festibal

Amstel Surfilm Festibal 8. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

© AMSTEL Surfilm Festibal 2024
June 4 - 13, 2010
Donostia - San Sebastián

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